Museum of Tomorrow reaches the finals of 2021 LCD Berlin Awards

The Museum of Tomorrow is one of the final contenders of 2021 LCD Berlin Awards, considered to be "the Oscar for museums". LCD shines light on the most exceptional established and emerging cultural destinations worldwide and Museum of Tomorrow competes in the category "Best Digital Museum Experience".
With the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, in March 2020, we made a series of changes on our activities in order to feed our public with the quality content through relevant debates, virtual exhibitions, live shows, reading club, yoga lives and much more. All this was made digitally, keeping people safe.
LCD Berlin Awards – the greatest international award offered to institutions, artistic organizations and cities that become cultural destinations – paired with visitBerlin to extend its reach and relevance. This year, the public will have six months to explore digitally all the contenders and plan their visits in a post-pandemic future.
You can help us win this award. All you need to do is watch the video below.
Museum of Tomorrow is an Applied Sciences museum which explores the opportunities and challenges which humanity will be forced to tackle in the coming decades from the perspective of sustainability and conviviality. Launched December 2015 by Rio de Janeiro City Hall, Museum of Tomorrow is a Culture asset from Rio's Secretary of Culture currently managed by Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Gestão (IDG). Example of a well-succeeded partnership between public power and private initiative, it has already received over three million visitors since opening. With Santander Bank as a Master Sponsor and a wide network of partner sponsors as Shell, IBM, IRB-Brasil RE, Engie, Grupo Globo and Instituto CCR, the museum was originally conceived by Roberto Marinho Foundation.